At Last Veg Area Clear.
Well it was a great day in the garden, the cold sleet couldn't even stop the last bonfire from finishing off the conifer cuttings. Now at last the area for the kitchen garden is clear, all I need to do now is to spay the remaining nettles and to start sorting out where the beds will go, I know some would say the hard work is still to come with getting the soil ready but digging as never bothered me, I guess all those years landscaping got me used to it. I have a great little area set aside for the herb garden and I found some amazing containers behind the sheds, for years I used to bring home odds and sods from work and I guess now is a perfect time to use them.
I started sowing the first of the onion seeds in the greenhouse and I hope to get more sown tomorrow after work, I have salads and radish to sow in pots along with spring onions, I love growing early salads they taste so much better than those in the supermarkets, the flavours are full, even those of simple salad leaves.
Now it's time to put my feet up and enjoy a warm fire while I sit planning, after a cold day I must admit it's nice to have a warm sitting room to relax in.
Monday, 30 January 2012
Garden Day
A Bonfire Calls
Today we are having a garden day, we both agreed that we need to get up to date with the greenhouse and kitchen garden jobs. We need to have that last bonfire to get the ground clear of tree cuttings before I can start setting out the beds and we need to get a lot of seeds sown in the propagator's on the heated bench in the greenhouse, I'm guessing it will be a fight with Yvonne to see who gets the bonfire job as we both like it, I have a feeling I'll be in the greenhouse most of the time playing with seed trays, compost and seed packets.
I'm hoping I can get a few pictures taken as I want to keep a record of how the garden is changing so I may post a few on here over this coming week, I think it must be my age but I seem to want to keep records about my life, this blog is a great start as over the years so many older members of my family have left us taking their stories and life experiences with them, I guess it made me think about keeping my thoughts and my journy in life for any of those who may be interested in the future, I can just hear them now, "You remember old great uncle Rob, he was a funny old sod, he played with fire and glass all day and spent hours sitting in his garden watching vegatables grow", well maybe not that bad.
To be honest as some of you have already guessed I do enjoy writing my blog now, before I used to miss days sometimes weeks at a time but this last few months I'm always thinking about writing, ok my life is far from exciting but it's real, I have the struggles and problems that most people have but also the good days and interesting days that drive us all on, I don't hide anything, it all gets mentioned and always will, I just hope some of you enjoy it enough to keep you coming back for more.
Ok, it's off to get compost for us then the garden calls, I have a strange feeling they may be a few cuppa breaks today with it being so cold out there, enjoy your day.
Today we are having a garden day, we both agreed that we need to get up to date with the greenhouse and kitchen garden jobs. We need to have that last bonfire to get the ground clear of tree cuttings before I can start setting out the beds and we need to get a lot of seeds sown in the propagator's on the heated bench in the greenhouse, I'm guessing it will be a fight with Yvonne to see who gets the bonfire job as we both like it, I have a feeling I'll be in the greenhouse most of the time playing with seed trays, compost and seed packets.
I'm hoping I can get a few pictures taken as I want to keep a record of how the garden is changing so I may post a few on here over this coming week, I think it must be my age but I seem to want to keep records about my life, this blog is a great start as over the years so many older members of my family have left us taking their stories and life experiences with them, I guess it made me think about keeping my thoughts and my journy in life for any of those who may be interested in the future, I can just hear them now, "You remember old great uncle Rob, he was a funny old sod, he played with fire and glass all day and spent hours sitting in his garden watching vegatables grow", well maybe not that bad.
To be honest as some of you have already guessed I do enjoy writing my blog now, before I used to miss days sometimes weeks at a time but this last few months I'm always thinking about writing, ok my life is far from exciting but it's real, I have the struggles and problems that most people have but also the good days and interesting days that drive us all on, I don't hide anything, it all gets mentioned and always will, I just hope some of you enjoy it enough to keep you coming back for more.
Ok, it's off to get compost for us then the garden calls, I have a strange feeling they may be a few cuppa breaks today with it being so cold out there, enjoy your day.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Dinner Cooking and Cottage Warm
Easy Sunday Evening
It's been a cold day here with the barn still being a real pain to keep warm, I sometimes wish we had a hole in the centre of the roof so we could light a fire like those Saxon long houses, the fire burning in the centre of the room with us working around it, haha god I think we would get smoked out, but a nice thought.
I made a trip to the local car boot this morning but didn't find any treasures, tho it was very cold I was amazed at the amount of people there, we have lots of foreign workers living local, most of which work on the farmland of the fens, cutting greens, pulling leeks etc etc, so the car boot has the feel of some local rustic market in Europe, the sounds of foreign talk filling the air, a real strange feeling when the dark rich soil of the fens stretches out for miles around you.
After a day making beads and packing a large number of orders ready to post first thing tomorrow, it's an easy evening for us, god willing. I've started the dinner off and the fire is lit giving the cottage a nice warm feeling and the world is shut out in the cold. I enjoy Sunday evenings, after years of hating Sunday bath night ready for school next morning followed by over 20 years knowing Monday morning meant the start of another hard week working, it's now a real pleasure knowing that Sunday evening means I can relax, Monday mornings mean so much more now than hard work and long travel, they now mean I get back on my torch, the start of yet another happy week making beads, I sometimes think I'm the luckiest person in the world, yes I know I have to live on the edge and we do and yes I know I worry far more than is healthy for me when sales are low, but this I can live with, a small price to pay for doing a job I love and enjoy so much.
Ok off to get dinner then an evening planning our kitchen garden and checking what seeds we can sow tomorrow in the greenhouse.
It's been a cold day here with the barn still being a real pain to keep warm, I sometimes wish we had a hole in the centre of the roof so we could light a fire like those Saxon long houses, the fire burning in the centre of the room with us working around it, haha god I think we would get smoked out, but a nice thought.
I made a trip to the local car boot this morning but didn't find any treasures, tho it was very cold I was amazed at the amount of people there, we have lots of foreign workers living local, most of which work on the farmland of the fens, cutting greens, pulling leeks etc etc, so the car boot has the feel of some local rustic market in Europe, the sounds of foreign talk filling the air, a real strange feeling when the dark rich soil of the fens stretches out for miles around you.
After a day making beads and packing a large number of orders ready to post first thing tomorrow, it's an easy evening for us, god willing. I've started the dinner off and the fire is lit giving the cottage a nice warm feeling and the world is shut out in the cold. I enjoy Sunday evenings, after years of hating Sunday bath night ready for school next morning followed by over 20 years knowing Monday morning meant the start of another hard week working, it's now a real pleasure knowing that Sunday evening means I can relax, Monday mornings mean so much more now than hard work and long travel, they now mean I get back on my torch, the start of yet another happy week making beads, I sometimes think I'm the luckiest person in the world, yes I know I have to live on the edge and we do and yes I know I worry far more than is healthy for me when sales are low, but this I can live with, a small price to pay for doing a job I love and enjoy so much.
Ok off to get dinner then an evening planning our kitchen garden and checking what seeds we can sow tomorrow in the greenhouse.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
PC Day
A Warm Day Listing
Well believe it or not I'm in for a whole day working on the pc sorting both the ebay and etsy shops and listing yet more beads, I guess most would think I'm lucky getting to stay in the warm all day but to be honest with you I'd much rather be out in the barn making beads. Yes I know I can't sell beads without the listing side of things but I just find it a little boring, it's the making that I enjoy but in this case I really need to get the shops sorted and the kitchen table free from beads.
At least the rains have moved on tho it's a really dull grey sky that welcomes us today, one of those days that gives you thoughts of spring and summer, no crisp frost of thick white snow just a sad dark day, one you wish was a few hours shorted that most so we can move onto tomorrow.
Last night I was reserching some grave find beads from Saxon and Viking burials, the reason being I was asked if I would make this kind of bead to be sold at a lot of historial events all over the country. A lady who makes leather work for such events lives near to us and suggested she would sell my beads along with her leather, she mentioned that some bead makers were selling at such events but were charging such a high price that people who get envolved and who would wear the beads were not happy.
After looking at the kind of beads they are selling I was shocked at what I found, some were selling simple spacer beads in small sets of five or six beads for an amazing price, this was for beads that we all know take around a minute of less to make. Yes a lot of the beads from that time in history were plain simple beads, some being a simple colour some having dot or wave designs but to charge such a price for what most of us would call beginners beads is in my opinion a crime.
You all know by now how I feel about bead prices and I'm the first to agree if a bead as nice work involved or takes time to make then it needs to be priced higher and to be honest there are a lot of beadmakers out there who indeed under price their work but those who stick such prices on a very simple bead to me are just taking the p... ! So I will be looking into making beads to sell at the historical events and I won't be sticking silly prices on them, but hey, thats for the future.
As I sit here I'm watching what to me is an amazing sight, five goldfinches are feeding on their finch feeder, to see this here in mid winter is great for me, yes a lot of towns still get them feeding as the towns are far warmer placers that out here and a lot will move down south for the winter but five all feeding together here in January is wonderful, I'm one happy guy.
Ok I better get off to those beads and get those shops sorted, oh by the way I better mention the old pebbledreams website will no longer be and in a few months I think I will let the main website finish too, after the problems with Mrsite and lack of help they gave me I'm not happy giving them anymore of my money. So I'm looking for a new website builder where I can build my own site, if any of you know of a good site I'd be really happy to hear from you, it would be nice to get a new site up and running, one from which I can sell beads and show off work.
Well believe it or not I'm in for a whole day working on the pc sorting both the ebay and etsy shops and listing yet more beads, I guess most would think I'm lucky getting to stay in the warm all day but to be honest with you I'd much rather be out in the barn making beads. Yes I know I can't sell beads without the listing side of things but I just find it a little boring, it's the making that I enjoy but in this case I really need to get the shops sorted and the kitchen table free from beads.
At least the rains have moved on tho it's a really dull grey sky that welcomes us today, one of those days that gives you thoughts of spring and summer, no crisp frost of thick white snow just a sad dark day, one you wish was a few hours shorted that most so we can move onto tomorrow.
Last night I was reserching some grave find beads from Saxon and Viking burials, the reason being I was asked if I would make this kind of bead to be sold at a lot of historial events all over the country. A lady who makes leather work for such events lives near to us and suggested she would sell my beads along with her leather, she mentioned that some bead makers were selling at such events but were charging such a high price that people who get envolved and who would wear the beads were not happy.
After looking at the kind of beads they are selling I was shocked at what I found, some were selling simple spacer beads in small sets of five or six beads for an amazing price, this was for beads that we all know take around a minute of less to make. Yes a lot of the beads from that time in history were plain simple beads, some being a simple colour some having dot or wave designs but to charge such a price for what most of us would call beginners beads is in my opinion a crime.
You all know by now how I feel about bead prices and I'm the first to agree if a bead as nice work involved or takes time to make then it needs to be priced higher and to be honest there are a lot of beadmakers out there who indeed under price their work but those who stick such prices on a very simple bead to me are just taking the p... ! So I will be looking into making beads to sell at the historical events and I won't be sticking silly prices on them, but hey, thats for the future.
As I sit here I'm watching what to me is an amazing sight, five goldfinches are feeding on their finch feeder, to see this here in mid winter is great for me, yes a lot of towns still get them feeding as the towns are far warmer placers that out here and a lot will move down south for the winter but five all feeding together here in January is wonderful, I'm one happy guy.
Ok I better get off to those beads and get those shops sorted, oh by the way I better mention the old pebbledreams website will no longer be and in a few months I think I will let the main website finish too, after the problems with Mrsite and lack of help they gave me I'm not happy giving them anymore of my money. So I'm looking for a new website builder where I can build my own site, if any of you know of a good site I'd be really happy to hear from you, it would be nice to get a new site up and running, one from which I can sell beads and show off work.
Monday, 23 January 2012
The Rain Returns
Rain Falls From The Dark
A very wet dark morning with the rain here yet again and still no sign of day light, the odd car passes to cut the early silence but apart from that just the sound of rain greets us. The cottage is warm because of the wood burner, it's so nice to wake up to a warm house, thank god the coal man will arrive today with new supplies, I think we may need it if the rumours are correct and the cold spell is heading towards us, talk of snow in the north east this week so I'm sure we will get some next.
I sit here with my hot coffee while the heavy rain plays it's tune on the conservatory roof, I love the sound of rain almost as much as being out walking in it, there is something really magical about rain.
Today I'll be working in the house as I have beads to clean, photograph and list, I need to start sorting the etsy shop and packing away the remaining beads from the sale, off to a dark corner of the barn they go, I just haven't the time to sit sorting the rest out, I have more ready to list so at least a lot have the chance to a new life.
The dawn sky is now just showing and I can see those big dark rain clouds, no bright blue roof to the fens this morning, just dark grey rushing over towards the east coast.
A very wet dark morning with the rain here yet again and still no sign of day light, the odd car passes to cut the early silence but apart from that just the sound of rain greets us. The cottage is warm because of the wood burner, it's so nice to wake up to a warm house, thank god the coal man will arrive today with new supplies, I think we may need it if the rumours are correct and the cold spell is heading towards us, talk of snow in the north east this week so I'm sure we will get some next.
I sit here with my hot coffee while the heavy rain plays it's tune on the conservatory roof, I love the sound of rain almost as much as being out walking in it, there is something really magical about rain.
Today I'll be working in the house as I have beads to clean, photograph and list, I need to start sorting the etsy shop and packing away the remaining beads from the sale, off to a dark corner of the barn they go, I just haven't the time to sit sorting the rest out, I have more ready to list so at least a lot have the chance to a new life.
The dawn sky is now just showing and I can see those big dark rain clouds, no bright blue roof to the fens this morning, just dark grey rushing over towards the east coast.
Why ?
Life Is A Real Pain Sometimes
Why is it just when your enjoying life there always seems to be some little problem waiting around the corner, your having a good day, getting lots done and just settling down to relax for the evening and you get told by O2 that your phone bill is over due, when three weeks ago you updated your new debit card details in plenty of time for this months bill, which by the way is a tiny amount, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!
Why do these firms always cock these things up and why is it always down to us to sort it out, haha to say I'm pissed off is an understatement, I'm sure I'll get it sorted in the morning.
Been a long day but I did manage to get lots done, beads made, greenhouse jobs done and even sorted a few more of the sale beads out. Tomorrow I hope will be a little easier with photographing and listing beads being the main job followed by a few more jobs to finish in the greenhouse. If the weather is ok I might finish burning the last of the conifer cuttings, you know I'm only happy when I'm watching a flame.
It was a cold day here today so the wood burner was lit and at least the cottage is warm tonight, I think next year we really need to figure out a way of obtaining a stove for the barn, my feet were freezing and I don't think Yvonne can possibly wear any more layers, god knows what we'll do if the snows arrive.

Why is it just when your enjoying life there always seems to be some little problem waiting around the corner, your having a good day, getting lots done and just settling down to relax for the evening and you get told by O2 that your phone bill is over due, when three weeks ago you updated your new debit card details in plenty of time for this months bill, which by the way is a tiny amount, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!
Why do these firms always cock these things up and why is it always down to us to sort it out, haha to say I'm pissed off is an understatement, I'm sure I'll get it sorted in the morning.
Been a long day but I did manage to get lots done, beads made, greenhouse jobs done and even sorted a few more of the sale beads out. Tomorrow I hope will be a little easier with photographing and listing beads being the main job followed by a few more jobs to finish in the greenhouse. If the weather is ok I might finish burning the last of the conifer cuttings, you know I'm only happy when I'm watching a flame.
It was a cold day here today so the wood burner was lit and at least the cottage is warm tonight, I think next year we really need to figure out a way of obtaining a stove for the barn, my feet were freezing and I don't think Yvonne can possibly wear any more layers, god knows what we'll do if the snows arrive.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Easy Sunday
Mixed Day Ahead
Another cold fresh start to the day with bright skies and those strong winds back rushing through the garden, no rain and all evidence from the past rains dismissed by the winds, everywhere nice and dry for a change. Rooks struggle to fly over with their loud crackling cries, being blown from side to side their journey will be a long one this morning, the small garden birds hang to feeders while taking their share of seed and fat.
It's a late cuppa for me today after an early start cleaning beads, after all it is Sunday so there is no rush on this day of rest. A very mixed day ahead of me, beads to make, odd jobs to do in the greenhouse and an hour or two playing in the ceramic room, tho I'm guessing the plans will change as the day goes on, most do. The winds are far too strong to have what may be the last bonfire, a pitty as I'm sure one more would mean a clear space ready to start marking out beds, but I can wait, I guess thats one of the perks of working at home, you can fit in jobs like that without having to wait for a nice weekend which you would rather spend with family.
This evening I'll be sorting more sale beads and any left over will be put away in a box, it's taking far too much time getting this job done and I need the time to start sorting out the etsy shop, a lot of the etsy beads will be placed in my ebay shop and new beads will be listed on etsy including focals etc. My notebook never seems to leave my side at the moment, I seem to be forever sketching down ideas, most I'm sure I'll never get around to trying, I have a great idea one day, the next it dosen't seem that great so it's just left in the notebook. I keep telling Yvonne when I'm dead and gone these books will be handy for someone to use or if she wishes she can use them herself, the better bead recipes I write down in a large leather bound book, I call it my spell book as all the bead recipes in there are those that have worked really well.
Oh well, it's time I was off to my flame for a few hours, it will be interesting to see how long it is before these bright blue skies turn dark and the expected rain returns, maybe we'll be lucky and it will stay dry. Enjoy your Sunday.
Another cold fresh start to the day with bright skies and those strong winds back rushing through the garden, no rain and all evidence from the past rains dismissed by the winds, everywhere nice and dry for a change. Rooks struggle to fly over with their loud crackling cries, being blown from side to side their journey will be a long one this morning, the small garden birds hang to feeders while taking their share of seed and fat.
It's a late cuppa for me today after an early start cleaning beads, after all it is Sunday so there is no rush on this day of rest. A very mixed day ahead of me, beads to make, odd jobs to do in the greenhouse and an hour or two playing in the ceramic room, tho I'm guessing the plans will change as the day goes on, most do. The winds are far too strong to have what may be the last bonfire, a pitty as I'm sure one more would mean a clear space ready to start marking out beds, but I can wait, I guess thats one of the perks of working at home, you can fit in jobs like that without having to wait for a nice weekend which you would rather spend with family.
This evening I'll be sorting more sale beads and any left over will be put away in a box, it's taking far too much time getting this job done and I need the time to start sorting out the etsy shop, a lot of the etsy beads will be placed in my ebay shop and new beads will be listed on etsy including focals etc. My notebook never seems to leave my side at the moment, I seem to be forever sketching down ideas, most I'm sure I'll never get around to trying, I have a great idea one day, the next it dosen't seem that great so it's just left in the notebook. I keep telling Yvonne when I'm dead and gone these books will be handy for someone to use or if she wishes she can use them herself, the better bead recipes I write down in a large leather bound book, I call it my spell book as all the bead recipes in there are those that have worked really well.
Oh well, it's time I was off to my flame for a few hours, it will be interesting to see how long it is before these bright blue skies turn dark and the expected rain returns, maybe we'll be lucky and it will stay dry. Enjoy your Sunday.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Rain Filled Sky
Visiting Family
Another wet morning here with the rain falling and very grey skies over the fens, have we had the last of the warm mild weather, along with the rain it's a lot colder this morning.
We are off to visit family today, yesterday was Yvonne's birthday and we had planned a day off but we had to finish some orders so decided today would be better for us. Yvonne will visit her mum and I'll be taking my auntie out for a trip to a garden centre and the wool shop, she loves her knitting and she is like a kid in a sweet shop when we go there.
I always look forward to my trips back home to Ashwell, tho the village always seems so quiet it's still home and I always feel I belong there, maybe one day if we win the lotto we can move back among the thatched cottages and little lanes.
This morning I need to clean and photograph yet more sale beads, I found a basket full of focals so I thought I would carry on listing them in trios or pairs on ebay, the last listings went straight away and they might as well be useful to someone rather than sitting collecting dust. This weekend is the last for the cheaper beads on etsy, All that are still there will be moved to my ebay shop Monday and the start of the new beads will be listed, it feels great having a fresh start, I guess even with my love for bead making my work still becomes stale after time and as in life we sometimes just need to stop and start again. New beads give you that lift you need and you get that exciting feel back that sometimes goes missing, this last few weeks I've felt like the old Rob, happy to be on my flame for long hours and always wanting to open that kiln in the morning, to be honest with you I would rather be out there in the barn making new beads today as I've got so many ideas, but for gods sake don't tell Yvonne I said that !
Now I better get out in the barn and sort those beads before I have to brush up for our day out, I wonder if I could get a mobile flame then I could work while Yvonne was driving haha, just a thought. I'll be happy when we return this afternoon and I have some local Hertfordshire faggots to eat, that's my one treat when we go home, I get some to put in the freezer, cold sliced faggot with a salad, now that's what I call a dinner !
Ok, I'm off to face the rain, I hope you all stay dry and enjoy your day.
Another wet morning here with the rain falling and very grey skies over the fens, have we had the last of the warm mild weather, along with the rain it's a lot colder this morning.
We are off to visit family today, yesterday was Yvonne's birthday and we had planned a day off but we had to finish some orders so decided today would be better for us. Yvonne will visit her mum and I'll be taking my auntie out for a trip to a garden centre and the wool shop, she loves her knitting and she is like a kid in a sweet shop when we go there.
I always look forward to my trips back home to Ashwell, tho the village always seems so quiet it's still home and I always feel I belong there, maybe one day if we win the lotto we can move back among the thatched cottages and little lanes.
This morning I need to clean and photograph yet more sale beads, I found a basket full of focals so I thought I would carry on listing them in trios or pairs on ebay, the last listings went straight away and they might as well be useful to someone rather than sitting collecting dust. This weekend is the last for the cheaper beads on etsy, All that are still there will be moved to my ebay shop Monday and the start of the new beads will be listed, it feels great having a fresh start, I guess even with my love for bead making my work still becomes stale after time and as in life we sometimes just need to stop and start again. New beads give you that lift you need and you get that exciting feel back that sometimes goes missing, this last few weeks I've felt like the old Rob, happy to be on my flame for long hours and always wanting to open that kiln in the morning, to be honest with you I would rather be out there in the barn making new beads today as I've got so many ideas, but for gods sake don't tell Yvonne I said that !
Now I better get out in the barn and sort those beads before I have to brush up for our day out, I wonder if I could get a mobile flame then I could work while Yvonne was driving haha, just a thought. I'll be happy when we return this afternoon and I have some local Hertfordshire faggots to eat, that's my one treat when we go home, I get some to put in the freezer, cold sliced faggot with a salad, now that's what I call a dinner !
Ok, I'm off to face the rain, I hope you all stay dry and enjoy your day.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Dark Start
Mild Morning
It was an early start this morning, a dark quiet start to the day but so much milder than those frost covered mornings we were getting used to. The first rain has just started falling bringing with it that special fresh smell that only rain carries and the gentle sound on the conservatory roof is the only background noise until those early workers rush past on their way to offices and factories.
Another long day ahead with bead making taking up most of it followed by an hour in the ceramic room at tea time as I didn't get around to trimming those few pots yesterday.
A bead order has gone astray on it's way to Berlin, Germany so I need to make a replacement order up, luckily it was made up from spacers so not too bad to replace. It's amazing really how few parcels we lose in the post considering the amount we post each week, maybe royal mail is getting it's act together at last. I can understand the odd order getting delayed by christmas post etc but as for normal every day post I can never see any reason why it shouldn't be delivered the next day, after all are we not paying for next day delivery when we hand over our hard earned cash for a first class stamp ?
I can just see the sky changing as day light hints thats it's on its way, I can make out the dark clouds already so I guess we are looking at a damp day here in the flatlands, no sound of the swans heading over yet, but I'm sure they are due any time.
I placed the first couple of ridge beads sets on etsy last night and I'm pleased to say one as gone already, they are a different bead but I'm sure they will have their uses, it's always fun giving customers another option and these being a more rustic looking bead will I hope make them useful in more than one kind of jewellery, I'll be listing a few more sets this evening. I've been playing around with bead shapes this last few days so you know me, god knows what I'll be listing next haha !
Ok I'm off to my flame now, cuppa time over and work to be done, I must admit it's nice not having to fill hot water bottles this morning tho I'm sure this mild weather won't last long and those frozen mornings will soon be back upon us.
It was an early start this morning, a dark quiet start to the day but so much milder than those frost covered mornings we were getting used to. The first rain has just started falling bringing with it that special fresh smell that only rain carries and the gentle sound on the conservatory roof is the only background noise until those early workers rush past on their way to offices and factories.
Another long day ahead with bead making taking up most of it followed by an hour in the ceramic room at tea time as I didn't get around to trimming those few pots yesterday.
A bead order has gone astray on it's way to Berlin, Germany so I need to make a replacement order up, luckily it was made up from spacers so not too bad to replace. It's amazing really how few parcels we lose in the post considering the amount we post each week, maybe royal mail is getting it's act together at last. I can understand the odd order getting delayed by christmas post etc but as for normal every day post I can never see any reason why it shouldn't be delivered the next day, after all are we not paying for next day delivery when we hand over our hard earned cash for a first class stamp ?
I can just see the sky changing as day light hints thats it's on its way, I can make out the dark clouds already so I guess we are looking at a damp day here in the flatlands, no sound of the swans heading over yet, but I'm sure they are due any time.
I placed the first couple of ridge beads sets on etsy last night and I'm pleased to say one as gone already, they are a different bead but I'm sure they will have their uses, it's always fun giving customers another option and these being a more rustic looking bead will I hope make them useful in more than one kind of jewellery, I'll be listing a few more sets this evening. I've been playing around with bead shapes this last few days so you know me, god knows what I'll be listing next haha !
Ok I'm off to my flame now, cuppa time over and work to be done, I must admit it's nice not having to fill hot water bottles this morning tho I'm sure this mild weather won't last long and those frozen mornings will soon be back upon us.
Another Cold One
Thick Frost
It's another cold morning here at the barn, thick frost coats the roof tops and garden but at least it's cuppa time and a nice chance to warm up. Still the swans pass over before landing on the winter barley, it must be over three weeks now since they arrived there, every morning they return to spend the day grazing, even tho the young barley shoots must be frozen, nature is amazing at times and a real pleasure to watch.
A busy day ahead with beads to clean, photograph and list on both ebay and etsy this evening and beads to be made including ridge tyres and focals. This afternoon I hope to turn a few pots that need finishing and I want to get more ceramic beads made, I try to get a big batch ready to fire at one time so it takes a week or two to get them made along with the pendants, I think I have around half the amount made already so need a big push this week to get more done. I'm having fun with a few ideas some of which I think will work out ok and even if they don't, well it's been fun trying them.
Ok I better get off to my flame, hot water bottle full to battle the cold and head full of ideas, I find I spend a lot of the day sketching down ceramic and bead ideas now, at one time it was just one single bead note book by my side, now there sits two, no wonder my mind spins at times.
It's another cold morning here at the barn, thick frost coats the roof tops and garden but at least it's cuppa time and a nice chance to warm up. Still the swans pass over before landing on the winter barley, it must be over three weeks now since they arrived there, every morning they return to spend the day grazing, even tho the young barley shoots must be frozen, nature is amazing at times and a real pleasure to watch.
A busy day ahead with beads to clean, photograph and list on both ebay and etsy this evening and beads to be made including ridge tyres and focals. This afternoon I hope to turn a few pots that need finishing and I want to get more ceramic beads made, I try to get a big batch ready to fire at one time so it takes a week or two to get them made along with the pendants, I think I have around half the amount made already so need a big push this week to get more done. I'm having fun with a few ideas some of which I think will work out ok and even if they don't, well it's been fun trying them.
Ok I better get off to my flame, hot water bottle full to battle the cold and head full of ideas, I find I spend a lot of the day sketching down ceramic and bead ideas now, at one time it was just one single bead note book by my side, now there sits two, no wonder my mind spins at times.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Hot Water Bottles, Soup and Bonfires
A cold cold day here in the fens, nice thick frost this morning which meant a very cold start to our working day, hot water bottles were filled and a great help they were too, I pity those who make their beads in tiny wooden sheds at the moment, it must be cold for them, but then maybe the smaller space is easier to keep warm.
I do love the winter but even I find it cold in the barn and with the cost of using an electric fire it's better we use the bottles, think I'll start looking for a couple of sleeping bags for us to sit in, once your feet are warm then the rest warms up.
A warm bowl of soup was a welcome treat for lunch before I headed off to the garden and yet another bonfire, I'm sure I'm becoming addicted but don't tell anyone.
Today I burnt off a lot of the cuttings so I'm hoping just one more fire and it will be clear, the ground is frozen so it looks like the hard work is still to come with the digging and setting the beds. We are so lucky having that great rich dark soil here, ideal for growing most crops, it's amazing really, when you dig our soil you find hardly any stones, just dark compost like soil.
I'll be adding horse dung and some organic surface dressings to get more goodness into the soil tho to be honest it doesn't really need it.
So all in all things went well today and so far 2012 as been kind to us, letting us stay healthy and able to work hard and that makes me happy.
I do love the winter but even I find it cold in the barn and with the cost of using an electric fire it's better we use the bottles, think I'll start looking for a couple of sleeping bags for us to sit in, once your feet are warm then the rest warms up.
A warm bowl of soup was a welcome treat for lunch before I headed off to the garden and yet another bonfire, I'm sure I'm becoming addicted but don't tell anyone.
Today I burnt off a lot of the cuttings so I'm hoping just one more fire and it will be clear, the ground is frozen so it looks like the hard work is still to come with the digging and setting the beds. We are so lucky having that great rich dark soil here, ideal for growing most crops, it's amazing really, when you dig our soil you find hardly any stones, just dark compost like soil.
I'll be adding horse dung and some organic surface dressings to get more goodness into the soil tho to be honest it doesn't really need it.
So all in all things went well today and so far 2012 as been kind to us, letting us stay healthy and able to work hard and that makes me happy.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
My Little Helper
Garden Dog Ziggy
I better introduce you to my little helper in the garden, Ziggy is five years old, a real grumpy little git, thinks he rules the garden and loves sitting by the bonfire, why I put up with him I don't know, well I guess I do, it wouldn't be the same without seeing the dirt fly as he digs yet another hole, tho never where I want him to dig !
I must admit we do enjoy sitting under the greengage tree with a cuppa while the rest of the world goes about it business and yes, we do share the odd biscuit !
I better introduce you to my little helper in the garden, Ziggy is five years old, a real grumpy little git, thinks he rules the garden and loves sitting by the bonfire, why I put up with him I don't know, well I guess I do, it wouldn't be the same without seeing the dirt fly as he digs yet another hole, tho never where I want him to dig !
I must admit we do enjoy sitting under the greengage tree with a cuppa while the rest of the world goes about it business and yes, we do share the odd biscuit !
Bonfire Fever
The Perfect Weather
I know what your thinking, two blogs in one day but hey, I thought you'd like to see the evening sky that I've been standing watching while the bonfire died down for the day.
It was the perfect weather for a fire, hardly any wind and what little breeze there was blew out across the fields behind us so no neighbours to upset with any smoke. I'm beginning to think I'll need far more fires than I thought to get it all cleared, I'm sure the garden fairies are adding to the pile every night.
When I think of how much money I'm saving by doing all this work myself, whats a few extra bonfires. The area is starting to look a lot larger and with the sunshine filling the space this afternoon I'm thinking it may just be the perfect place for the kitchen garden. The far end will be just right for a herb garden getting the sun for most of the day, all I need now is to get some raised strewberry benches made, I'm sure there is enough timber laying around to sort those out. The wild strewberries are all in large containers which seems to keep them strong and happy so no real need to change that.
Ok I'll get off to get some dinner, it's been a busy day and I'm just starting to regret not having any lunch.
I know what your thinking, two blogs in one day but hey, I thought you'd like to see the evening sky that I've been standing watching while the bonfire died down for the day.
It was the perfect weather for a fire, hardly any wind and what little breeze there was blew out across the fields behind us so no neighbours to upset with any smoke. I'm beginning to think I'll need far more fires than I thought to get it all cleared, I'm sure the garden fairies are adding to the pile every night.
When I think of how much money I'm saving by doing all this work myself, whats a few extra bonfires. The area is starting to look a lot larger and with the sunshine filling the space this afternoon I'm thinking it may just be the perfect place for the kitchen garden. The far end will be just right for a herb garden getting the sun for most of the day, all I need now is to get some raised strewberry benches made, I'm sure there is enough timber laying around to sort those out. The wild strewberries are all in large containers which seems to keep them strong and happy so no real need to change that.
Ok I'll get off to get some dinner, it's been a busy day and I'm just starting to regret not having any lunch.
Frosty Fens
A Thick Coat Of Grime
As the locals out here say we woke to a thick coat of grime this morning, to you and me the fens are covered with an amazing layer of white frost, the first real frost of the year and I'm sure the first of many. As I was out getting coal earlier all I could see was frosty roof tops and smoking chimneys, I think everybody down this road as the same idea, get the fire lit and stay in the warm and to be honest I don't blame them.
Exciting day here as I'm off to the clay room to mix glaze, tho I think I may need to warm the place up first, I think I need to work on getting that place sealed of all drafts if I'm going to be working in there in the evenings and weekends. I have my glaze recipe book at the ready, a few small lidded buckets and the raw materials, so now I can just see what mess I can make.
There is fabulous sunshine pouring down into the garden and the birds are all gathered at the feeding stations, I think it's mornings like this one when the fat balls help make their lives a little easier. I'm hoping I'll find time to get out in the garden this afternoon, I want to burn off yet more cuttings, the sooner I get the ground clear the faster I get to build the raised beds, I've worked out I can mange to fit 12 beds into the main area plus there is the area for the herb garden leaving a good piece of ground for the container garden.
Since I was around 7 or 8 years old I've been growing veg, my grandad gave me my own piece of garden in which I grew carrots and salads, I even remember the first time I was allowed to grow runner beans, making that little cane wigwam and planting those big fat seeds around the base, it seemed like forever before I could see the little seedlings appear, every day after school I would rush down to my grandads thatched cottage to check them, even today I'm the same, I sow the seeds in the greenhouse and every day I'm in there checking for those first tiny signs of new life, it's amazing really, we hold a few tiny seeds in our hand and within a few months we sit at our table eating the most wonderful fresh veg, I guess a lot of people don't experience that, after all it's so much easier and quicker to go buy a bag of frozen veg or veg from the green grocer, but there is really something special about growing your own.
Before we moved here we had a very small garden yet I still grew some veg in containers, the likes of beetroot, carrots, salads and even runner beans and peas were grown in our pots, in my tiny greenhouse I would grow lettuces and spring onions in pots as I still do today, making it possible to have fresh salad all year round. Of course we grew tomatoes both in pots and of course in hanging baskets and the herbs were always there as most love to be grown in containers. So it just shows however small your space you can still grow your own.
Well cuppa time is over here and I need to go face that cold clay roon, Yvonne is happy this morning, a whole day in the warm for her doing her listings and sorting orders, hope you all keep warm and enjoy your weekend.
As the locals out here say we woke to a thick coat of grime this morning, to you and me the fens are covered with an amazing layer of white frost, the first real frost of the year and I'm sure the first of many. As I was out getting coal earlier all I could see was frosty roof tops and smoking chimneys, I think everybody down this road as the same idea, get the fire lit and stay in the warm and to be honest I don't blame them.
Exciting day here as I'm off to the clay room to mix glaze, tho I think I may need to warm the place up first, I think I need to work on getting that place sealed of all drafts if I'm going to be working in there in the evenings and weekends. I have my glaze recipe book at the ready, a few small lidded buckets and the raw materials, so now I can just see what mess I can make.
There is fabulous sunshine pouring down into the garden and the birds are all gathered at the feeding stations, I think it's mornings like this one when the fat balls help make their lives a little easier. I'm hoping I'll find time to get out in the garden this afternoon, I want to burn off yet more cuttings, the sooner I get the ground clear the faster I get to build the raised beds, I've worked out I can mange to fit 12 beds into the main area plus there is the area for the herb garden leaving a good piece of ground for the container garden.
Since I was around 7 or 8 years old I've been growing veg, my grandad gave me my own piece of garden in which I grew carrots and salads, I even remember the first time I was allowed to grow runner beans, making that little cane wigwam and planting those big fat seeds around the base, it seemed like forever before I could see the little seedlings appear, every day after school I would rush down to my grandads thatched cottage to check them, even today I'm the same, I sow the seeds in the greenhouse and every day I'm in there checking for those first tiny signs of new life, it's amazing really, we hold a few tiny seeds in our hand and within a few months we sit at our table eating the most wonderful fresh veg, I guess a lot of people don't experience that, after all it's so much easier and quicker to go buy a bag of frozen veg or veg from the green grocer, but there is really something special about growing your own.
Before we moved here we had a very small garden yet I still grew some veg in containers, the likes of beetroot, carrots, salads and even runner beans and peas were grown in our pots, in my tiny greenhouse I would grow lettuces and spring onions in pots as I still do today, making it possible to have fresh salad all year round. Of course we grew tomatoes both in pots and of course in hanging baskets and the herbs were always there as most love to be grown in containers. So it just shows however small your space you can still grow your own.
Well cuppa time is over here and I need to go face that cold clay roon, Yvonne is happy this morning, a whole day in the warm for her doing her listings and sorting orders, hope you all keep warm and enjoy your weekend.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Long Long Day
Bonfire Bliss
Why do my days seem to get longer and longer, I'll soon need to borrow a few extra hours each day, they can just knock if off my end date, a few weeks off my life would be a fair exchange.Tomorrow it's another full day bead making as I need to try some ideas out and I have a few orders to complete. I guess most people feel a bit down with the thought of another long days work ahead, but to be honest I'm really looking forward to it, don't ask why but sitting at my torch early on a winters morning just seems right, something makes me feel safe and happy while I'm there, the rest of the world passes while we sit chatting and swapping ideas next to the warm kiln.
This afternoon I spent a few hours burning more of the conifer cuttings clearing the new kitchen garden area, I think another two or three fires will get the job done, then I get to plan out and build the raised beds. Its been a long time coming but I'm so looking forward to getting started, I guess after nearly 20 years landscaping it will be nice getting back to my old skills plus I just enjoy being out there knowing in a month or two it will look so different, our own kitchen larder there just yards from our door, you can't get veg fresher than that.
I also need to plan the new herb garden, most of which will be grown in containers, I'm fed up with having different herbs around the garden so thought this was the perfect chance to get a herb garden sorted, after all no good kitchen garden should be without one.
I completed the new bench in the greenhouse ready for the heated cable, this weekend I hope to get the first seeds sown and the heating set up, it a busy time here but I'm really enjoying it.
Now there is one job I have to do this week that I'm not so sure about, making my first ceramic glaze, one of two things may happen, it all goes ok and I'll have a smile from ear to ear or I'll sit in a corner and cry for an hour haha, no telling which way it will go !
Why do my days seem to get longer and longer, I'll soon need to borrow a few extra hours each day, they can just knock if off my end date, a few weeks off my life would be a fair exchange.Tomorrow it's another full day bead making as I need to try some ideas out and I have a few orders to complete. I guess most people feel a bit down with the thought of another long days work ahead, but to be honest I'm really looking forward to it, don't ask why but sitting at my torch early on a winters morning just seems right, something makes me feel safe and happy while I'm there, the rest of the world passes while we sit chatting and swapping ideas next to the warm kiln.
This afternoon I spent a few hours burning more of the conifer cuttings clearing the new kitchen garden area, I think another two or three fires will get the job done, then I get to plan out and build the raised beds. Its been a long time coming but I'm so looking forward to getting started, I guess after nearly 20 years landscaping it will be nice getting back to my old skills plus I just enjoy being out there knowing in a month or two it will look so different, our own kitchen larder there just yards from our door, you can't get veg fresher than that.
I also need to plan the new herb garden, most of which will be grown in containers, I'm fed up with having different herbs around the garden so thought this was the perfect chance to get a herb garden sorted, after all no good kitchen garden should be without one.
I completed the new bench in the greenhouse ready for the heated cable, this weekend I hope to get the first seeds sown and the heating set up, it a busy time here but I'm really enjoying it.
Now there is one job I have to do this week that I'm not so sure about, making my first ceramic glaze, one of two things may happen, it all goes ok and I'll have a smile from ear to ear or I'll sit in a corner and cry for an hour haha, no telling which way it will go !
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
What A Day !
Busy Little Bee
Its been one hell of a day here, this morning I had to unload the ceramic kiln and all the contents were ok, an all round good bisque firing and around 25 nice pots to play with later this week. Then the bead kiln was emptied of yesterdays beads, all smiles there too and all this before we set off for a trip to the garden centre, wow, big trip out for us little fenland hermits !
We returned with seeds, both veg and flowers, a new rhubarb crown ready for the kitchen garden, seed potatoes and shallot sets, oh and I sneaked a bag of sweets into the trolley while Yvonne was looking for flower seeds, I just love those sherbert flying saucers !
After lunch we were both sorting out bead orders ready to post, with the sale beads going so fast you can imagin how long it took me to get them all sorted, but hey I'm no way moaning, every sale is like gold dust to us at the moment. I think getting beads sorted and packed is the only part of my job I don't enjoy.
With the weather we had today it was more like a late summers day, still winds and nice sun here in the fens, large blue skies were followed by the most wonderful sunset, deep orange seas still laying in the far distance as I write this blog, I know I say it alot but we are so lucky here having such huge skies to watch, no wonder so many great artist's loved painting here.
This evening I'm having an easy time, I may list more sets on ebay or I may just spend a lazy evening reading and watching tv and tonight I get one of my favourite dinners, beans on toast yipeeee, one happy old beadmaker here.
Its been one hell of a day here, this morning I had to unload the ceramic kiln and all the contents were ok, an all round good bisque firing and around 25 nice pots to play with later this week. Then the bead kiln was emptied of yesterdays beads, all smiles there too and all this before we set off for a trip to the garden centre, wow, big trip out for us little fenland hermits !
We returned with seeds, both veg and flowers, a new rhubarb crown ready for the kitchen garden, seed potatoes and shallot sets, oh and I sneaked a bag of sweets into the trolley while Yvonne was looking for flower seeds, I just love those sherbert flying saucers !
After lunch we were both sorting out bead orders ready to post, with the sale beads going so fast you can imagin how long it took me to get them all sorted, but hey I'm no way moaning, every sale is like gold dust to us at the moment. I think getting beads sorted and packed is the only part of my job I don't enjoy.
With the weather we had today it was more like a late summers day, still winds and nice sun here in the fens, large blue skies were followed by the most wonderful sunset, deep orange seas still laying in the far distance as I write this blog, I know I say it alot but we are so lucky here having such huge skies to watch, no wonder so many great artist's loved painting here.
This evening I'm having an easy time, I may list more sets on ebay or I may just spend a lazy evening reading and watching tv and tonight I get one of my favourite dinners, beans on toast yipeeee, one happy old beadmaker here.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Greenhouse Calling
Where Is The Besom ?
So it.s sunday morning and the winds have gone, the mild weather is back for at least today and the greenhouse is my target for the next few hours, after this nice hot cup of coffee that is. At last I get to clear out all the dead tomatoe plants from last summer and get the greenhouse ready for the spring and summer ahead of us, benches need clearing and pots cleaning, seed trays are to be sorted ready for the first few seeds that need sowing early such as onions, early season leeks and some salads that will grow in pots for an early crop, I know it seems a cold time of year and I guess some of you would think the last thing to do would be to sow seeds but it's all about getting an early start and as long as the greenhouse is protected from frosts and the bitter cold weather we expect in Jan and Feb then they should be ok.
This year I'll be using an heated cable on the large bench, this cable just lays under a couple of inches of sand onto which the seed trays stand giving a slight warn temp for the seeds to germinate and protects the small seedlings from the cold. I bought the cable last winter but never got around to using it, this year we need all the help we can get if we are to grow enough veg to last us through the year.
I was lucky enough to be given a wonderful garden voucher at Christmas from a really kind friend so already most of my seeds have been obtained with just seed potatoes and shallots to get in the spring. The weather today is perfect for a bonfire but I'll wait until in the week when people are back to work, lets just hope the weather stays like this and I get lots cleared and burnt.
This afternoon will be spent photographing yet more beads to list in both etsy and my ebay shops, we have been sorting the thousands of spacers into sets to list at silly low prices and some of those will be listed later today, maybe some of you can find a use for them, would be a shame just to dump them in a box here in the barn.
I'm hoping I'll find an hour to throw a few more pots too later, I'm getting an addiction to the wheel, every day I seem to find time to get a few pots or bowls made which is not a bad thing as the more you make the easier it becomes, just three more days an I'll be doing a big bisque firing after which, yes, you guessed it, it's play time with the glazes.
Ok I better get going and sort that greenhouse out, I have a feeling this may be a long job, but with my little radio and the help of my little four legged friend Ziggy I'm sure we will get it done.
So it.s sunday morning and the winds have gone, the mild weather is back for at least today and the greenhouse is my target for the next few hours, after this nice hot cup of coffee that is. At last I get to clear out all the dead tomatoe plants from last summer and get the greenhouse ready for the spring and summer ahead of us, benches need clearing and pots cleaning, seed trays are to be sorted ready for the first few seeds that need sowing early such as onions, early season leeks and some salads that will grow in pots for an early crop, I know it seems a cold time of year and I guess some of you would think the last thing to do would be to sow seeds but it's all about getting an early start and as long as the greenhouse is protected from frosts and the bitter cold weather we expect in Jan and Feb then they should be ok.
This year I'll be using an heated cable on the large bench, this cable just lays under a couple of inches of sand onto which the seed trays stand giving a slight warn temp for the seeds to germinate and protects the small seedlings from the cold. I bought the cable last winter but never got around to using it, this year we need all the help we can get if we are to grow enough veg to last us through the year.
I was lucky enough to be given a wonderful garden voucher at Christmas from a really kind friend so already most of my seeds have been obtained with just seed potatoes and shallots to get in the spring. The weather today is perfect for a bonfire but I'll wait until in the week when people are back to work, lets just hope the weather stays like this and I get lots cleared and burnt.
This afternoon will be spent photographing yet more beads to list in both etsy and my ebay shops, we have been sorting the thousands of spacers into sets to list at silly low prices and some of those will be listed later today, maybe some of you can find a use for them, would be a shame just to dump them in a box here in the barn.
I'm hoping I'll find an hour to throw a few more pots too later, I'm getting an addiction to the wheel, every day I seem to find time to get a few pots or bowls made which is not a bad thing as the more you make the easier it becomes, just three more days an I'll be doing a big bisque firing after which, yes, you guessed it, it's play time with the glazes.
Ok I better get going and sort that greenhouse out, I have a feeling this may be a long job, but with my little radio and the help of my little four legged friend Ziggy I'm sure we will get it done.
Friday, 6 January 2012
Early Start And It's The Weekend
What Have I Done To Upset Mr Sleep ?
It's the first day of the weekend and I've been up hours, I just couldn't sleep so there was no option but to get up and watch the new day arrive. It's still very dark and the rain is falling here in the fens, quiet but for the sound of the swans flying over then landing in the fields behind us, give those guys credit they fly in early not wasting a moment,that field must be bare by now as it's been well over a week since they arrived there.
A mixed day ahead of me with beads to clean from yesterday, pots to trim and finish plus thousands of spacer beads to sort into sets to sell in my ebay shop, I also have lots of bead sets going in there today as I just need to get them gone, I don't want any left here so maybe silly prices will do me and the customers a favour, most will be on "Buy It Now" prices so I hope some of you find a bargain.
The ceramic kiln is nearly full with bowls, pots and pendants, all I hope ready to bisque fire on Wed, I don't think I've had so many pieces to fire in one go, but at least with the bisque fire I can pile them all in, it doesn't matter if they are touching unlike a glaze fire where they would stick if touching each other. I' not had time yet to make any glaze but will need to get started on that in this coming week so yet again the evenings will be busy.
Enjoy your day and I hope you get done all you need to.
It's the first day of the weekend and I've been up hours, I just couldn't sleep so there was no option but to get up and watch the new day arrive. It's still very dark and the rain is falling here in the fens, quiet but for the sound of the swans flying over then landing in the fields behind us, give those guys credit they fly in early not wasting a moment,that field must be bare by now as it's been well over a week since they arrived there.
A mixed day ahead of me with beads to clean from yesterday, pots to trim and finish plus thousands of spacer beads to sort into sets to sell in my ebay shop, I also have lots of bead sets going in there today as I just need to get them gone, I don't want any left here so maybe silly prices will do me and the customers a favour, most will be on "Buy It Now" prices so I hope some of you find a bargain.
The ceramic kiln is nearly full with bowls, pots and pendants, all I hope ready to bisque fire on Wed, I don't think I've had so many pieces to fire in one go, but at least with the bisque fire I can pile them all in, it doesn't matter if they are touching unlike a glaze fire where they would stick if touching each other. I' not had time yet to make any glaze but will need to get started on that in this coming week so yet again the evenings will be busy.
Enjoy your day and I hope you get done all you need to.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
One Happy Beadmaker
What a happy little bead maker I was today, mid morning and a big parcel arrives from the pottery suppliers, Yipeeeeeeee !! A box full of raw materials and clay, flint, whiting, china clay and much more, now the games begin and tomorrow I get to make my first glaze. Some of you will wonder how a few bags of ground minerals could make me so pleased but it's the fact that I get to learn more with them, if it was beads it would be like making my own glass to work with, can you imagine being able to do that !
With the amount of waiting bowls, pots and dishes building up at last I can start glazing , trying out lots of colours and designs, my god I'm in heaven, making new beads most of the day and then ceramics in the evenings, how could the year start any better than that.
Again this evening I sorted out yet more beads to list in my etsy shop and the bead mountain as at last started to get smaller, tho not by much, tomorrow I will be sorting out yet more sets of spacer beads, I swear there must be thousands of them so they need to go.
Still this evening the strong winds are rushing over the fens and for the first time in weeks it really does feel cold, hot water bottles are awaiting to be filled in the morning, they help when we first start work in the barn, plus the odd wheat bag in our chairs help make life easier, I guess those who work in their houses or in a warm studio miss out on these adventures, lucky sods haha !
Well coffee time then it's bed for me as another early start tomorrow, I have a feeling it's going to be another very long day but an enjoyable one I'm sure.
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Just Wild !
The Gods Must Be Angry
What have we done to deserve this weather, some of the wildest winds I've seen here in East Anglia and so dark with it, in the wind we have the rain and the noise is so magical, what a morning ! Everywhere you look trees dance and bend to a back drop of dark dark clouds rushing over heading off towards the coast, oh how I wish I was standing on a beach right now watching the sea and dark sky fighting it out, feeling the full power of mother nature, but my barn calls me with it's warm seat next to the kiln and the big window from which I can watch this wild morning, a morning still dark.
A busy day ahead with beads to make and more of that bead mountain to sort, I'm just hoping we don't get a power cut, already at 6.30 this morning we had the first, so lets hope the winds calm and the power lines here in the flat lands keep standing, fingers crossed. At least if we have no power I can still work on my wheel in the clay room, see I guess the old kick wheel does still come in handy !
I can't believe what I just saw, still the swans are arriving over on the barley field, a group of four just flew over our cottage heading for their favourite spot making that wonderful honking call as they pass. The rest of the bird life here is hidden from the wind, the food stations swing like rag dolls from their poles.
I'm hoping the pottery suppliers got my order this morning and soon the raw materials will arrive for my glaze mixes, then the real fun begins and no doubt the bad language also !
Ok, I better get off to the barn, the kiln will be up to temperature now and my flame is calling, I hope you all enjoy the wild weather and if it's your first day back to work then I hope it goes well and the day is quick for you, we all know that "going back to work" feeling and it's not the best feeling in the world.
What have we done to deserve this weather, some of the wildest winds I've seen here in East Anglia and so dark with it, in the wind we have the rain and the noise is so magical, what a morning ! Everywhere you look trees dance and bend to a back drop of dark dark clouds rushing over heading off towards the coast, oh how I wish I was standing on a beach right now watching the sea and dark sky fighting it out, feeling the full power of mother nature, but my barn calls me with it's warm seat next to the kiln and the big window from which I can watch this wild morning, a morning still dark.
A busy day ahead with beads to make and more of that bead mountain to sort, I'm just hoping we don't get a power cut, already at 6.30 this morning we had the first, so lets hope the winds calm and the power lines here in the flat lands keep standing, fingers crossed. At least if we have no power I can still work on my wheel in the clay room, see I guess the old kick wheel does still come in handy !
I can't believe what I just saw, still the swans are arriving over on the barley field, a group of four just flew over our cottage heading for their favourite spot making that wonderful honking call as they pass. The rest of the bird life here is hidden from the wind, the food stations swing like rag dolls from their poles.
I'm hoping the pottery suppliers got my order this morning and soon the raw materials will arrive for my glaze mixes, then the real fun begins and no doubt the bad language also !
Ok, I better get off to the barn, the kiln will be up to temperature now and my flame is calling, I hope you all enjoy the wild weather and if it's your first day back to work then I hope it goes well and the day is quick for you, we all know that "going back to work" feeling and it's not the best feeling in the world.
Monday, 2 January 2012
The Big Clear Out
Bead Mountain
Yes it all started today, after deciding on a fresh start for 2012 and after years of nagging from Yvonne and others I emptied what seems like a mountain of beads onto the kitchen table, beads from every corner of the barn, boxes, trays and draws were all tipped out into a huge pile ready for the fun to begin. If I'm to start 2012 making fresh beads then the old must go, so that's what will happen over the next few days I will sort out the sets and list in both ebay and etsy shops, also there will be a big number of spacer and orphan sets all listed at set prices, low prices too, any beads not sold will be packed away into a box and cast into a dark corner of the barn not to be seen until I'm no longer around.
As some of you may have seen this evening I listed the first of these sets in my etsy shop, but I warn you there are so many it may take a few weeks to get them all listed, I hope to list them in batches every evening to give everyone a chance of finding something of interest. I know some prices will be silly but I'd rather the beads were used than sat in the dark for years to come.
My flame is happy to teach me new glass tricks this year and we started working together yesterday with a few new ideas, the results making this beadmaker very happy this morning when my kiln was opened, I just have an idea this year will be very interesting, I thank you 2011 for all the good days and the bad you gave us, but now I wait to see what roads 2012 lays before me, I'm willing to walk every one and to learn from the things I pass on the way.
Yes it all started today, after deciding on a fresh start for 2012 and after years of nagging from Yvonne and others I emptied what seems like a mountain of beads onto the kitchen table, beads from every corner of the barn, boxes, trays and draws were all tipped out into a huge pile ready for the fun to begin. If I'm to start 2012 making fresh beads then the old must go, so that's what will happen over the next few days I will sort out the sets and list in both ebay and etsy shops, also there will be a big number of spacer and orphan sets all listed at set prices, low prices too, any beads not sold will be packed away into a box and cast into a dark corner of the barn not to be seen until I'm no longer around.
As some of you may have seen this evening I listed the first of these sets in my etsy shop, but I warn you there are so many it may take a few weeks to get them all listed, I hope to list them in batches every evening to give everyone a chance of finding something of interest. I know some prices will be silly but I'd rather the beads were used than sat in the dark for years to come.
My flame is happy to teach me new glass tricks this year and we started working together yesterday with a few new ideas, the results making this beadmaker very happy this morning when my kiln was opened, I just have an idea this year will be very interesting, I thank you 2011 for all the good days and the bad you gave us, but now I wait to see what roads 2012 lays before me, I'm willing to walk every one and to learn from the things I pass on the way.
Sunday, 1 January 2012
2012, A New Year
Quiet Morning
How quiet it is, just bird sound filling the air, a new year and all we hear is nature around us, not a car or plane, no children playing or dogs barking, it's as if we were meant to sit and listen to the new year, just for a few hours before it all starts again, what a fantastic start to 2012.
I guess most are still asleep after celebrating the new year and some nursing sore heads over a coffee, but what ever the reason it has made this few hours perfect.
The kiln is on as we want to make a few beads this morning, the first of the year and I hope the first of many. I have pots to turn and finish in the clay room later and I hope to get a start on clearing out the greenhouse, it's going to be a busy day here followed by an evening sorting through just one spare room full of junk, anything that might sell will be listed for sale online and any other bits will be took to the dump, it really is a fresh start here.
I'm hoping that my pottery suppliers are open Tuesday so I can order the raw materials for making my glazes as I've now got quite a collection of items ready and waiting to be finished. I hope this week to get some more pendants made and I hope some will please me enough to list on etsy and not get dumped in a box as so many have already. All in all it's going to be an exciting start to the year and I hope it's the same for all of you out there, lets welcome 2012 with lots of fresh ideas and make it a really good one
How quiet it is, just bird sound filling the air, a new year and all we hear is nature around us, not a car or plane, no children playing or dogs barking, it's as if we were meant to sit and listen to the new year, just for a few hours before it all starts again, what a fantastic start to 2012.
I guess most are still asleep after celebrating the new year and some nursing sore heads over a coffee, but what ever the reason it has made this few hours perfect.
The kiln is on as we want to make a few beads this morning, the first of the year and I hope the first of many. I have pots to turn and finish in the clay room later and I hope to get a start on clearing out the greenhouse, it's going to be a busy day here followed by an evening sorting through just one spare room full of junk, anything that might sell will be listed for sale online and any other bits will be took to the dump, it really is a fresh start here.
I'm hoping that my pottery suppliers are open Tuesday so I can order the raw materials for making my glazes as I've now got quite a collection of items ready and waiting to be finished. I hope this week to get some more pendants made and I hope some will please me enough to list on etsy and not get dumped in a box as so many have already. All in all it's going to be an exciting start to the year and I hope it's the same for all of you out there, lets welcome 2012 with lots of fresh ideas and make it a really good one
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