Searching Bins
Well I think I've got there, I've got to the bottom at last and I have to confess that yesterday afternoon I was behind the local football club in their car park searching the bins, how low can you get !!. No it wasn't food I was after or drink but bottles, bottles for using in my recycled beads this week. I have a stock of different colours but thought I would take a look to see if there was anything different I could use, some of the darker blues and greens used in some spirit bottles work well so I was worth the short trip to the other end of the village.
I was amazed at the number of bottles they dump and the selection, from cheap beer bottles to expensive champagne bottles, it was all there. I didn't find any unusual colours but I did get a few nice rich greens and browns to add to my stock. So today I get to play, first job is getting the labels removed, this is done by soaking the bottles in hot soapy water which also gives them a good clean. Then the fun part, I get to wrap them in a bag and take the hammer to them, not too hard as we need a good size shard to work with, no tiny pieces that will make only a single bead.
I know some people place the glass shards into the flame melting them into a ball then pulling thin rods to use for making the beads but I work with the shard, I form the beads straight from the broken glass cutting down on time and effort, it can take a bit of tricky fiddling but you soon get used to it and the beads will look just the same.
So when most people are going out for the day, enjoying the bank holiday or just relaxing in the garden this big kid will be playing with soap bubbles and a hammer, followed by a few hours producing recycled beads, I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day.
I was hoping to get a few garden jobs done today but with my back still sore I think it's best to leave those for a day or two, better safe than sorry.
Nice wild skies here this morning with the sun fighting to get the day off to a bright start, of course today is Ashwell show day so there is a good chance of rain, I would have a job to remember a show day when it didn't rain. I hope all my friends and family who go to the show really enjoy it and maybe next year we might get to pop along.
Right I'm off to get those bottles soaked while I enjoy a round of toast and a coffee, enjoy the holiday and lets hope the sun battles through and we get a nice warm day.
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