Too Many Hours
Well it's the weekend and I've had another very busy week with some long days at my torch along with the hard job of trying to sort out glass rods. Over the last few days I've been trying to get all the different types of glass sorted into bundles with new labels, I started to find packs here there and everywhere, some without labels some were just laying loose on shelves covered in dust and some that were so old the labels had worn, it was a job that really did need doing and at last I think I have it all in order.
Yet again the past week has seen very little sales which is becoming a common thing, a lot of beadmakers seem to be finding it hard at the moment and we are no exception. I remember when I first started making beads there were a around 20 others making and selling them but now there must be hundreds here in the UK, so I guess with this happening it will only get harder to make a living. A large amount of makers seem to make the same sort of beads, beads with bright colours, flowers, gold stone etc etc, so for this maker who loves making the more natural looking beads it was always going to be a battle getting customers. Like all things, if most are made to look a certain way then the fashion is to go with them, I mean if the market is full of pretty coloured beads with lots of sparkle then that's what most will buy, yes there will be and are those like myself who love the more natural look but we are so out numbered that it's always going to be tough to find customers.
I think most who know me know I wont shy away from a fight and if in a years time I'm no longer making a living from bead making then it won't be through lack of effort and passion. I guess after the last few years I have learnt one thing, whatever happens to you and however low you get you have to get out there and try to do something about it, only once in my life has there ever been a situation in which I couldn't make things better and that was when my mum died from cancer. We had to watch this fantastic brave lady who loved everyone and everything live out her last few weeks and I couldn't do a thing about it, my mum and best friend was being taken from me and this big idiot couldn't stop it happening. After seeing how my mum never gave up even though she knew she couldn't win I had a very different outlook on life, I would never give up on anything that I thought was right and so for me it's bloody hard work and effort that's needed at the moment and if it means a few more long days then so be it.
On a brighter note I'm working in the ceramic room today yipeeeeee !!! I'm always like a big kid when I get in there, trying new things and with it being such a different medium to glass there is so much more to attempt. I loved pottery at school and was good at it yet I seem to be learning so much more now just playing around like I do with glass, finding out little tricks and getting those days when things just click into place, it's amazing and better than any lesson. So this big kid will be playing with clay all day and enjoying every second of it.
On the bead front I've been making a lot of rustic disc beads this last few days, nice little beads that can be used on their own or as spacers, they seem to be a welcome addition to my etsy shop with a good few sets having already sold. I hope to be listing a lot more beads in the ebay shop in the next couple of days too so keep your eyes out for any bargins there.
Ok cuppa time over and a happy clay sunday to enjoy, I hope you all enjoy your sundat too.
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