Not The Best Christmas Weather
What a day, the strong gales are back rushing across the fens and the day stayed dark with rain at times, not what you would call festive weather, no sunny afternoon walks in the snow, well not yet anyway. The huge flock of swans are still munching their way through the winter barley behind us and the garden birds are all so happy feeding at the stations, often fighting
to keep their balance in the winds.
It's been a busy day in the barn making beads with a lot more focals being made plus an hour was spent in the clay room cleaning and trimming a few pots.
We went out in the car for the first time since Christmas eve, only a short drive to the post office in the next village to buy stamps and post bead orders off, the roads were so quiet and there was hardly a soul walking in the village, maybe all back working or just recovering from the food and drink of the past few days.
I'm hoping the weekend will be wind free as I really need to get more conifer cuttings burnt out the way ready to start getting the kitchen garden planned out and dug over. I hope to sow some first onion seed under cover to give them a good start and some cut and come again salads will be sown in the greenhouse, well after it has had a good clean up, believe it or not there are still a few tomatoes hanging around, just shows hows mild the winter is so far.
Well time for a coffee and a sneak outside to stand in the wind, I love to feel the gales while watching those wild skies, the best way to feel nature.
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