Monday, 23 April 2012

A Drought, Who They Kidding !

Can You Buy New Legs ?

   Well now I know for sure that I'm getting old, my legs are killing me, I feel like I could sleep for a week and boy do I need a bike haha !  I think I over did it a bit with the walking, I checked the mileage to the garage and it was three and a half miles, so the two walks today mean I walked seven miles, not a huge distance to those who walk often, but when you have been used to a bike for exercise then doing that kind of mileage is silly on the first day, yes I had to get the car sorted but wow, am I paying for it tonight.
   So now at least I get to see how much my fitness can improve over the coming weeks, I'll be taking a walk every lunch time from now on, not big distances to start with but like the bike rides I'm sure it won't be long when seven miles is a breeze.
   As I walked along one of the narrow back roads in Upwell I couldn't help but notice how wet the dyke's were, they keep telling us about the drought we are suffering but I can tell you that's not the case around this part of the world. Every drain ditch is wet, some with moving water and all with young rich green reeds and other water plants starting their summer season, all the orchards I passed were looking great, budding up and standing in lush long grass, that ripe green that only spring grass holds.
   Every plum or greengage tree was full of blossom, some spoilt by the recent rains but most covered in what looked from afar like wonderful snow lined branches, spring jewellery hanging on these amazing old trees, trees protected with thick rough bark, grey green in colour and textured with valley and mountains weathered over winters and summers in the wild fenland.
   I remember my grandad telling me years ago who some people go for a walk and some go to enjoy the countryside, me, well I'm one of the later, I'm amazed when I see people out walking, head down, arms swinging like a marching soldier, passing field after field and hedgerows by the mile yet taking notice of nothing, he always told me how some could walk past the same field a hundred times yet if asked wouldn't be able to tell you what crop was growing in it, not because they didn't know the crops but because they did want to know, sad I guess and it still goes on, it seems like you need bright sports wear and some kind of musical device in your ears to go walking, thank god there are still people who want to learn about the nature that we live alongside.

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