Wednesday, 26 September 2012

A Dry Morning And A Hot Cuppa

No Rain Here Yet

   More rain on the way we are told but at the moment it's dry here in the fens, looking across the flat lands all you see is that rich dark damp soil that this area is known for, after the heavy rains we have had the last few days everywhere looks so green and refreshed in the garden, the hedgerows are alive with birds and the dykes (drains) are fast flowing and full, everything you expect in a fenland autumn.
   These last two mornings just haven't seemed the same without my mate being there next to me when I open the barn, I wish I had a pound for every time I looked around to see him sleeping in the barn while I sit at my torch. Thank you all for the kind words and text messages about Marley, the good news is that Sam, our Old English Sheep dog looks like he is taking over, he follows me everywhere and has his nose in everything tho I do catch him sitting looking around for Marley.
   Yesterday was a good productive day here with a morning spent making sets for etsy and ebay and the afternoon was a bowl throwing session, I'm hoping to get lots of bowl sets made ready for the christmas period as I'm sure they would be an handy pressie. I was so pleased to see one of the first Saxon disc pendants sold last night, I made some last week and wasn't really sure they would appeal to customers but it seems they will be liked, tho they are large in size there is something I like about them, I love making them as I turn them on my wheel and every one is different in size and thickness, and of course the finish is one I adore, I'm not using any glaze on them just glass frit which means I have no idea what they will look like when I open the kiln. I may mix glass and glaze together in the coming weeks to see how they turn out but at the moment the glass finish gives them something very unique and of course the colours have that natural feel that I love.
   Today will be another morning spent on my torch and yet another afternoon throwing and trimming bowls, I hope to make a few more Saxon discs too but will have to see how time goes. I need to get as much done today as possible as tomorrow I get to visit my aunt in Ashwell which means no work until tomorrow evening.
   Ok, I better get back to my flame and see what magic the glass can show me today.

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