Another Early Start
Me and sleep just ain't friends at the moment, it's been a while since I had a real nights sleep and yet again this morning I sit here with an early morning cuppa wishing I was still snuggled up in a warm bed like most people. I may have mentioned before that a lot of my older family all had problems sleeping, some only ever getting a few hours every night and I'm just hoping this isn't going to be my problem, I just put it down to the odd bit of stress or worries but I'm beginning to believe that's not the case, maybe a I need a small glass of something every evening to help, home made sloe gin sounds a good solution.
Yesterday went really well with a good selection of beads being made followed by an hour in the garden getting bed number seven sorted, more seeds were sown in the greenhouse including cabbage and yard long french beans plus more flower seeds were sown for Yvonne, so all in all it was a very productive day.
Last night my head was full of ceramic ideas so like always my note book never left my side, the plan is that I spend this fri, sat and Sunday in the ceramic room catching up on the last few freezing cold weeks, but I'm guessing I'll be very lucky if I manage to get all three days out there.
Ok I better get my post sorted ready to send out later today, I need to photograph more beads to list this evening too, so I think this morning may not just be an early one but also a busy one.
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