Monday, 6 February 2012

Dark Cold Morning

Cold Day Ahead

   It's a dark old morning here this morning with the sky looking like it may well be full of more snow, the temperature is just above freezing and a few brave souls are heading out off to work on the ice, the kiln is on warming up for a long cold day ahead and hot water bottles are at the ready waiting to be filled, so all in all the normal winter preparations are done and it's cuppa time.
   Its a bit chilly here in the cottage as we let the stove go out in the night, we are now down to our last bucket of coal and as the coal man won't be here until tomorrow we decided to just light the stove later this evening, after all we will be in the barn all day so seems silly to waste those last pieces of black gold warming an empty home.
   It's back to my torch for me today after a weekend playing with clay tho I must admit I got nowhere near as many ceramic beads made as I thought I would, I guess this big kid was distracted by the snow too much. I need to get more beads made for my etsy shop as most of the new sets have sold, I'm really enjoying doing something a bit different alongside my focals that I always enjoy. The sale beads have gone down really well and I've enjoyed hearing from some of those who obtained them, I'm glad they have found new homes and can be of some use, I'll sort out a few more sets then the rest will be off to the barn in a box.
   I'm still looking for a new website provider after being let down by MrSite, it really pisses me off that a firm who were getting two hundred quid a year from me couldn't even be bothered to help sort the problem out, two websites and I couldn't download a picture tho I can download pictures on to every other site I go on to, just makes you wonder who was the cause of the problem mmmm ! I'm sure I'll get something sorted soon, fingers crossed.
   Ok I better get out there to my flame and face the cold tho to be honest I'm looking forward to being back on my torch, two days off make this bead maker a really grumpy one !

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