Wednesday, 15 February 2012

God I'm So Bored !

Looking After Ziggy

   Well to say I'm bored silly is an understatement, but it's in a good cause, little Ziggy my gardening mate was booked in at the vets yesterday for a small operation so now as he needs to be away from the other two dogs while he recovers I'm the one with the job of keeping him busy. After lots of walks a trips up the garden he is finally asleep in his pen with a new quilt and pillows, you can imagine who was in charge of that, Yvonne thinks more of the dogs that she does me I'm sure of it !
   At last the the snow as gone and the ground is ok to dig over, ideal to make a start on my raised beds tomorrow, thursday we'll all be back to work as normal so there is no way I'm getting bored tomorrow, I'm sure my little mate will enjoy a few hours helping me set beds up rather than sitting in the house feeling sorry for himself, tho even today he is nearly back to normal, I won't mention what he had done as it makes my eyes run just thinking of it, lets just say most men wouldn't want to lose them !
   A lot of bead orders were posted today so I hope there are just one or two left to post tomorrow, wish I had someone here who would do all the mundane jobs such as listing, packing and posting etc then I could stay on my torch without spending hours every week sitting at the pc, I don't think I'll ever get used to the admin side of things. I wonder if you can still hire an apprentice for a shilling a week like the victorians, including bread and water that is, I'm no Scrooge !
   Well off to the kitchen for me, dinner to cook and then an evening infront of the fire, feet up, notebook at my side and a nice coffee.


  1. Rob, it is a pity we dont live near each other...I would gladly do all your admin for you.:) Maybe in exchange of some of the fresh veggies you will be growing!

  2. Hi Rob ,
    You know me all too well, and I'd be the first one to do all that "boring" stuff for you guys, but since I'm "across the pond", you'll just have to wait til my next trip to Ireland/visit Johnsons this summer!! Of course you'll have to pay me with a string of beads...and oh, of course, some of Yvonne's summer pudding. Miss you!! Kathie

  3. Thank you guys, it's nice to know there are people out there who enjoy doing admin and you would both be very welcome. X
