Sunday, 13 May 2012

Busy Weekend So Far

Another Mad Day Ahead

   To say yesterday was a little busy is an understatement with garden jobs and ceramic wind chimes and pendants being made and that was just before lunch. In the afternoon I had beads to clean, the greenhouse to sort out and a couple of hours sitting at my wheel in the garden throwing bowls, it was in all a fun day but a very busy one.
   With the sun here at last the garden looks so different, the rich greens that we find only in late spring early summer are now with us and all in all the place as a more wild look to it, every hedge and shrub is double the size and in full leaf plus the fact we had all those rains has given every plant a real boost, changing the countryside in what seems like just days, those bare trees now wear their best jewellery or greens and blossom pinks, they seem to now sit in a carpet of fresh nettles and grasses to keep roots moist and all day long they host birds full of song, it's taken a while to get here but at last I really think the summer is about to arrive.
   Today it's back to my torch for me and then an afternoon in the garden throwing pots, that's if the weather stays warm of course, somehow the picture of me sitting by the pond in the rain with wet clay flying everywhere just doesn't do it for me. I have more veg to set out in the raised beds plus carrot seeds to sow, yet more time will be spent with my hoe in hand but it's worth every minute when we start to harvest those fresh veg in a few weeks time.
   The salad crop is now starting to produce and the first radish are tasting well in mixed salads with some of the young salad leaves I've been cutting, the only thing that spoils it is the fact I can't enjoy fresh crusty bread with my salad lunches, the gluten free bread you buy is I guess better than nothing but to be honest I already so miss real fresh bread and I guess I always will, when the tomatoes are ready and I can cut fresh cucumbers from the greenhouse it will be hard to resist those great salad sandwiches from the past, I'm guessing it will just have to be mixed salads from now on, maybe I need to throw a salad bowl this afternoon, one for me to use as a lunch bowl, yer that sounds a good idea.
   Well I'm off to my torch, I hope you all enjoy the sunshine and a relaxing sunday.

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