Wednesday, 9 May 2012

No Flame Today, Just Clay

A Day Working With Ceramics

   Today it will be quiet in the barn with a day working on my ceramic bird feeders and wind chimes planned, even Yvonne is helping me as there are a few jobs that can be done while I'm producing the parts for the chimes, plus if anyone deserves a day off from their torch then she does, I sometimes think people read my blog and learn how hard I work and how long my days are, but they should also realise Yvonne does just as many hours and she needs time off too.
   So today it will be nice to work on these new ideas together giving us both an idea of what can be done with ceramics, maybe a way of earning some extra income for us, maybe a way to help us get through this hard period we are going through, if we are to carry on making our living bead making then we need some help, sometimes when we hit these tough times I worry if this will be that moment when it all ends and we can't carry on living this life we enjoy, I sit and think how lucky I am doing the only job I've ever really loved, a job that doesn't have one single part that I don't enjoy, from the early mornings when I empty my kiln to the late evenings when I list my work, yes I moan about listing and the admin side of things but to be honest the thought of not working in that rustic old barn full of cobwebs and dusty old jars full of glass rods really isn't a very nice one and it's those thoughts that drive me on.
   So you see that's why I never moan about the hours I put in or the early starts, that's why I look forward to every new day at my torch and that's why I never mind going without if it means I still get to sit at my flame each day making those beads that I so love making.
   Ok I better go get my shorts and the sun tan lotion on ready to work in the garden as it's so hot here haha, I wish, no it's a quick trip to the local town then a day with my hands in clay for me. I hope it stays dry so I get those photographs taken of the kitchen garden, it would be nice to show you all how it's going.

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