Sunday, 20 May 2012

How Lucky Can You Get !

Right On My Doorstep.

   The last two days I've been fitting in a few hours in the garden when I can, keeping up with the weeding, getting more seeds sown and planting out leeks, kale and more french and runner beans, but what I found while I was out there was to out do even the pleasure I get from being out there away from it all, on my own.
   As some of you already know we are lucky enough to have open farmland behind us, acres of fenland with that rich dark soil that can grow almost anything running out for miles, broken only by the odd drain and river. Well while I was taking a rest from the weeding I stood looking out across the rows of potatoes that fill the fields next to my garden when I spotted something playing along the headland, it was the most wonderful hare, it looked like a big male and he was having a great time working his way along the dike that edges one side of the field. I shot off into the house to fetch my field glasses and spent the next half hour watching him, it really was a fantastic sight and to have him so close was a real treat.
   Yesterday afternoon he was back and so too was I, I'm hoping he has a family somewhere close and we may get to see more activity over the next month, the only problem being the crops growing too high to see him, but fingers crossed he may use the odd piece of set a side and we'll get lucky.
   Now it's a day on my torch as the weather looks very much like a wet day is on it's way here, so much for the sunny weekend and me getting time to sit by the pond throwing pots, oh well maybe we'll get some sunshine before autumn, yes a joke tho to be honest with you I have a feeling this summer is going to be a disappointment weather wise, but we'll see, lets hope I'm wrong and in a few weeks we are all moaning about the hot nights and fan sales are hitting the roof.
   Enjoy your Sunday and don't be shocked if you see me back here again this evening.

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