Thursday, 31 May 2012

One Very Happy Bead Maker

Results Of Blood Test

   I think by just reading the heading to this blog you will guess I have had the results of the Coeliac blood test and it is great news, the results were all ok, no Coeliac and one very happy bead maker is sitting here writing.
   The doctor as advised me to carry on with the gluten free diet for the next couple of weeks then to introduce the odd piece of wheat into my diet a small bit at a time, but most importantly I must stick to the healthy foods I'm eating and exercise is also a must. He thinks that stress may have been the cause but as this last few weeks as seen a great improvement we will see how things go, if it flares up again then we will try to find out what foods are causing the problem, if it was indeed stress and I carry on feeling ok then I need to keep to a healthy diet and lots of exercise, which means I need to get the bike sorted out, I have to take it into the bike shop tomorrow and they are going to sort it out.
   To be honest with you I have so missed my bike rides and seeing how those little country lanes are changing from spring to summer, I can't wait to get back out there and I better get the camera charged as I have a feeling there might be a lot of photographs to take.
   So, all in all the next month or so will be an adventure to say the least, salads, fish and lots of veg being the order of the day, bike rides every day and lots of work in the garden, which always seems to get me enjoying my bead making, I'm guessing it's the fact I get out in the fresh air, away from the torch a few hours every day, it always gets me looking forward to the next morning, sometimes even a bead maker who loves his work as much as me needs time off, the long hours can get to you in the end.

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