Friday, 11 May 2012

The First Signs Of A Summer

At Last We Get The Sunshine

   Here I sit watching four goldfinches feeding in the Lilac tree and what seems like every bird in the area singing and feeding while this wonderful day slowly draws to an end, the first hints of summer for a few weeks and lets just hope the first of many. It's amazing how just one day of sunshine can bring out such a difference in ones feelings, after a few days feeling rather disappointed in the fact the garden was too wet to work on and there were no cuppa breaks spent sitting by the pond, it was a real pleasure to enjoy the fresh air again.
   For the last two days the sound of the local cuckoo has been echoing across the fens and a very welcome sound it is too, always a great sign that summer is here and one that I have loved since being a small boy, with all the woodland around Ashwell the cuckoo was a common bird and the competition to hear the first was keenly played in our family, just another part of village life I guess.
   Can I just take time to thank those who have wished me luck with the gluten free diet, yes most of you are right it is taking some getting used to but I have to say this last week as been amazing, with all but one in the last six days being a bad one, my fault I guess as I ate some soup for lunch only to find on the label it contained gluten, well another lesson learnt the hard way. I must admit it feels bloody fantastic to feel normal again and tho this means my diet is now completely different it also means it's healthier too.
   A busy weekend ahead with ceramics tomorrow and lampwork beads Sunday and garden jobs to fit in both days. The plant stall will be at the gate again so lets hope the weather stays dry and people are out and about. It's funny but I was reminded how my grandad used to sell plants and veg at his gate when I was a child, I remember the old glass dimple pint pot that he would leave on the table for people to place the money in, can you really see anyone doing that these days, the glass would be gone withing a few hours.
   Well I'm going to sit and enjoy the rest of the evening and I'm guessing there will be a nice sunset later so I'll be looking forward to that while I enjoy a cuppa and my kindle.

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