Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Weather Change In The Fens

No Two Days Ever The Same

   It seems like every morning we wake to a different situation where the weather is concerned, two days ago we were all happy to find the sunshine filling the garden at 6am, yesterday we woke to the sound of heavy rain falling in sheets over the flatlands of the fens and this morning, well to be honest I'm not sure what it wants to do, there seems to have been a little rain over night but as I write the sun is giving some very faint hazy edges to the higher clouds so fingers crossed we could be in for a far brighter day.
   Below is a piece I wrote yesterday while I sat watching the rain dancing on the pond, it wasn't long after I wrote this that the hail stones started falling leaving the garden under a carpet of mini ice cubes, all in mid May too, oh how lucky we are to have such great varied weather here in the UK.

   Dancing bubbles do form those impish rings of surface ripple while long grasses reach for sweet moisture on every bank. Finch song echo's through rain as falling water crashed upon rock before diving into water mint. In tiny wild stream blackbird baths among smooth pebbles, every feather washed in natures rich honey and the last cherry blossom falls with rusted petal while Lilac flower open only to find the late rains of May.

   Yesterday was a day of many jobs here at the barn, most of which were accomplished, beads were made at my torch, bowls were turned on my wheel and ceramic beads were sanded ready for firing at the weekend. It was a really enjoyable day considering the weather and if every day was as productive I'd be one very happy bead maker.
   The idea of having my days split into two with the lampwork taking up two thirds of the day and the late afternoons and early evenings spent doing my ceramics is one I'm hoping I can carry out this summer. It means I get more time to work on the throwing side of ceramics and as the saying goes, the more time you spend on a craft the better you get, if I'm going to get where I want to be in pottery then I have to find a way of putting in the hours, so thats my target for this summer.
   Well another day calls and I have beads to make, clean, photograph and list, I think it will be yet another long one but hey, I enjoy every minutes and not many people can say that about their jobs.


1 comment:

  1. Another piece of your beautiful writing - painting pictures with your words so that reading them is seeing what you're looking at - wonderful. Thankyou xx Erika xx
